“September” – over 45 Years of pure Jazz on the Rocks 
English version by Gabriele Klotzbücher

Schorndorf, September 1978: Adi Mürdter and Andreas Spätgens, barely 18 and 20 years old respectively, meet at a jam session. When, shortly afterwards, they set up their first band they had on their musical minds Jazz Rock, in the way of Weather Report, Klaus Doldinger’s Passport and Chick Corea’s Return to Forever: “September” was founded! 40 years later, after roughly 400 concerts in Germany and other European countries and seven recordings, the quintet is still “bubblin’ an’ a’groovin’ through their pieces saturated with joie de vivre and shots of Caribbean melancholic added” (critic Thomas Milz writing for WKZ last summer).

“Artistic, complex, entertaining – September”, concludes the press after a September concert. The “Jazzpodium” judges it is “… remarkable how consistently the quintet has been working musically, keeps taking to the stage and exuding the pure pleasure of engagement and performance”. The exclusively own compositions are “quite colourful and exciting” and are enriching Jazz Rock, in the spirit of Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, Chuck Corea or John McLoughlin, with Latin American influences thus merging it into “latin flavoured music”.

 Andreas Pastorek, once called the Paganini of percussionists and one of Germany’s most varied and interesting percussionists, has belonged to the band since 1982. Pastorek learned his trade way back from the legendary Weather Report percussionist Dom Um Romao, and has performed with world stars like Carlos Santana, Roger Chapman and Billy Cobham.

 His co-musicians are Horst Künzl on drums, bass Player Ulrich Eckardt and founders Andreas Mürdter, sax, and  Andreas Spätgens, keyboards. “September’s” special strength: a genuine band who on stage offers more than the sum of its five members.

 The audience can look forward to a Jazz Rock evening with five gentlemen of a certain age, playing their hearts out for the pure pleasure it and thus keeping all forever young.

Line up:

Andreas Pastorek - percussion
Andreas Mürdter - saxes
Andreas Spätgens - keyboards
Ulrich Eckardt - bass
Horst Künzl - drums

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